Very good news
Tigers T-91 and T-106 which were translocated from Ranthambhore to repopulate the Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve in the district of Kota have had cubs which are now 4-5 months old (pictured below) . The translocation operations were carried out under Sh. YK Sahu , CCF ( Retd.) (pictured below).
Special mention #Dhramendrakhandal sir
Undee who'sleadership Tiger Watch Volunteers done great job
Tiger Watch’s Village Wildlife Volunteers monitored and localized tiger T-91 for 6 months before his translocation and also monitored and localized tigress T-106 before her translocation. They also trained the forest staff at Mukundra to track tigers safely and efficiently.
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The Village Wildlife Volunteers are fortunate to have the support of Jaisal Singh & Anjali Singh of SUJAN, Vinayak Shankar and the Ranthambhore Tiger Conservation Fund ( Forest Dept Fund )
Efforts carried out by Sh. Valmik Thapar and Dr GV Reddy , HOFF, Rajasthan back in 2018 have finally borne fruition!